Our Impact

Bamboo has a multiple high value uses as accommodate and furniture. The variety of products gives a wide range of option. Akacia Kia U ltd has engaged rural farmers and communities by using Bamboo as the alternative cash crop. The intervention has promoted environmentally sustainable rural development. Over 5 years Green jobs will be created for the youth, Disabled and elderly through the value chain and therefore contributing towards achieving SDG1

Solid biomass for cooking is primary driver of Deforestation. According to National Forest Authority, Uganda loses 200,000 acres of forest every year. Bamboo is known to be the fasts growing plant and excellent renewable resource with negative carbon footprint. Bamboo produces high quality eco friendly and cost effective Bamboo charcoal briquettes

Akacia kia U ltd works on sustainable building solutions that benefits the planet, people and with a profit. We provide building materials as an alternative to hard wood or timber. The company is working hard in the construction sector to replace use of plastics and cement with bamboo to reduce carbon footprint.

Bamboo has the ability to store carbon and replace high carbon emission materials. The rapid growth of bamboo with strong root system makes it effective to stabilize river banks, prevent landslides and controlling soil erosion. Akacia kia U ltd is working with communities and individuals to reduce the negative impacts on climate change. This is through restoration of degraded lands and reduce pressure on forests. This done to promote conservation of land and biodiversity